Corinthian Seller

The Corinthian Seller web site started life as a hobby. As a collector of both Corinthian Prostars and Corinthian Microstars, I (Richard Balfre) would often sell spare Microstars on eBay once those wanted for my collection had been found.

After eighteen months of successful selling on eBay and with my web design skills increasing I decided to launch this web site.

On November 24th 2003 I was approved as an Official Corinthian Reseller and three days later first appeared on the web. Since the demise of Corinthian we have expaned our range into the newer Soccerstarz figurines and also into the world of trading cards from Topps and Panini.

Now in our fourteenth year, the Corinthian Seller web site has expaned with over 20,000 unique products. The images used on the website are either our own photographs/scans or have been provided by the product manufacturer and are as accurate a representation of the finished product as possible.

Based in Hayes, West London, we have regular customers in all corners of the globe and we try as much as we can to provide the best combination of prices, shipping costs and speed you will find.

In 2014, we shipped 97% of our orders within 24 hours or placement and whenever there is an issue, we do all we can to rectify things to your satisfaction.


Corinthian Seller - Official Corinthian Reseller



Corinthian Seller is a web site which aims to help collectors build and complete their collections. We are not a resource for other traders to cherry pick the rarer items for them to resell at a large mark-up. If you are a trader and which to discuss a mutual working partnership with Corinthian Seller then please use our contact form to make initial contact. We will reject orders placed by traders in order to ensure we have stocks for our real and loyal customers.

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Manchester City Soccerstarz 2024/25

Player/Team Lists

Soccerstarz Players List

Soccerstarz Teams List

Microstars Players List

Microstars Teams List

Prostars Players List

Prostars Teams List